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2007 Gapyeong County Key Policies

  • Customized residential welfare that gives hope and happiness
  • Create high quality educational culture and tourism
  • Promote local economy and erect livable farm towns
  • Improved administration services that impress its people

2007 5 Key Policies / 35 Major Projects

2007 5 Key Policies / 35 Major Projects
County Policy Goal 5 Key Policies 35 Major Projects
Changing and
Energetic Gapyeong
Customized residential
welfare that gives hope
and happiness
1. Provide integrated welfare services to create customized residential welfare
2. Stability and independence support for marginalized minorities
3. Improved welfare for the disabled
4. Practical senior welfare for the aging society
5. Establish quality nurturing environment and establish welfare community
6. Gender equality and foster wholesome teens
7. Resident-impressive health projects
8. Promote volunteer activities
Create high quality
educational culture
and tourism
9. Foster global talents that will be future pillars
10.Establish network for life-long education
11. Globalization of ' Jaraseom ' (Is.)
12. Increase participating in cultural activities
13. Create tourism industry through sports and extend sports facilities
14. Develop attractions and fests unique to Gapyeong in the future
15. Establish cultural spaces per district
Clean and pleasant
urban development
16. Maintain ' tall forests ' and ' clean rivers '
17. Efficient treatment and more facilities for wastes
18. Supply safe tap water for drinking
19. Expand sewage treatment facilities
20. Establish city foundation for the future
21. Balanced development between different districts
22. Expand faster and more convenient traffic network
Promote local economy
and erect livable
farm towns
23. Promote local economy
24. Reduce unemployment and create jobs
25. Foster industrial complex that fits the local features
26. Create livable farm towns through positive farm support
27. Foster high quality, environment-friendly farming
28. Produce safe agricultural goods and better quality
Improved administration
services that impress
its people
29. Offer convenient and high quality administrative services
30. Stop illegal activities that cause discomfort
31. Administration that seeks out things to do
32. Satisfy people ' s right to know and promote administration that invites participation
33. Easy tax-payments and financial stabilization
34. Construct crisis management system for disasters
35. Increase work abilities and motivate public servants