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Foreigner Residence Information

1. Status of Foreign Residents in Gapyeong-gun

Status of Foreign Residents in Gapyeong-gun
Registered Population (Apr 30, ' 07) Total Ratio to Total Registered Population Persons not holding Korean citizenships Persons with Korean citizenships Children of international marriage families
Foreign Laborers International Marriage Other Foreigners Naturalized through marriage Naturalized for other reasons
Total Male Female Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F Total M F
55,038 602 0.1% 250 352 1.1% 96 50 46 86 2 84 261 133 128 44 - 44 2 1 1 113 64 49

2. Foreign Residents per Nationality in Gapyeong-gun

Foreign Residents per Nationality in Gapyeong-gun
  Total Northeast Asia Northeast Asia South
Central Asia (Uzbe kistan , etc) USA Russia Others
Subto tal China China (of Korean des cent) Taiw an Japan Mon golia Subt otal Viet nam Philip pines Thai land Indo nesia Misc
Persons with
Korean citizenships
46 30 13 11 1 5 - 15 - 14 1 - - - - 1 - -
Persons without
Korean citizenships
443 314 25 143 12 114 20 92 26 15 48 1 2 11 2 11 - 13
Children of international marriage families 113 76 15 23 1 34 3 36 2 29 4 - 1 - 1 - - -