Monument for the Participation of the British Commonwealth in the Korean War
In remembrance of the war dead who achieved many military achievements as part of the UN forces during the Korean War, as the North invaded the south, in order to preserve the wellbeing of Korea and world peace.
This is a war memorial erected in remembrance of UN soldiers from Great Britain , Australia , Canada and New Zealand during the Korean War, who came to protect freedom and democracy. The Battle of the British Commonwealth refers to the fierce battle at Bukmyeon, Gapyeong-gun against the spring counterattack of the Chinese from April 22 to April 25, 1951 . Through the victory of this battle, the British were able to provide guard for the retreat of the ROK and UN army against the Chinese at the Seoul-Chuncheon road and minimized loss. A stylobate was placed on top of a land area of 2,783m 2 and on top of it is a square monument that stands 12m high. On the right, the war history is recorded in Korean and English. The flags of the four countries are engraved in the center of the monument and the number of casualties of the British Commonwealth through the Korean War is engraved and an inscription is also engraved in it. This monument was erected under the cooperation of the UN Korean War Allied Forces Association and Gapyeong County on September 30, 1967 . At the end of April of each year, an event in remembrance of the British participation in the Korean War is held. Approximately 200 participants, family and government officials from the four countries visit this event.